My Yesterdays

We all have our own road, our own pathways to follow, pathways that lead us from our past to our present, from our yesterdays into our tomorrows. May every step you take be guided by grace, may all your journeys be amazing adventure and may you never forget your yesterdays. ( Photo by: Sweet Melissa)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Yesterdays

Where fairies dwell and young lings dance,
where passersby give no second glance,
in the garden of my yesterdays

Where laughter sings and wild dreams grow,
where time stands still to new fallen snow,
in the garden of my yesterdays

Where pathways lead to far off lands,
magical kingdoms and treasure buried deep in sand,
in the garden of my yesterdays

The innocence of childhood so long since passed,
gone to the memories, lost to the dance,
in the garden of my yesterdays.

Oh, how I long for one more day, to play where
song birds sing and long grass sways,
in the garden of my yesterdays.

Copyright 2009

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Love it! Sure would like to go back there for a day! ;-)
