My Yesterdays

We all have our own road, our own pathways to follow, pathways that lead us from our past to our present, from our yesterdays into our tomorrows. May every step you take be guided by grace, may all your journeys be amazing adventure and may you never forget your yesterdays. ( Photo by: Sweet Melissa)

Monday, January 11, 2010

No place like Home

The sun setting on a backdrop of rich purple,
silhouettes of moss hung cypress that seem to dance
with the fading light.Warm breezes blow in from the lake shore..
I can still remember the smell of old ice cream parlors
just off Jackson Square,the richest scents of creole cuisine,
and of course the sweet sounds of Jazz ...

To me there will never be anywhere like home.
Gotta love New Orleans.... missing ya...

Copyright 2009

1 comment:

  1. That hits home for me (no pun intended!). This is how I felt when I lived in Texas awhile, even tho I loved it there, too! And I really missed it when I lived in Mexico! There really is something special about NOLA! Great write!
