My Yesterdays

We all have our own road, our own pathways to follow, pathways that lead us from our past to our present, from our yesterdays into our tomorrows. May every step you take be guided by grace, may all your journeys be amazing adventure and may you never forget your yesterdays. ( Photo by: Sweet Melissa)

Friday, February 11, 2011

The ground is covered with the age of winter,
colors of browns and yellows shift in the breeze,

I sit to gaze out from the sill of my window,
at the cold starkness of trees.

The sky is pale with a light bitter blue,
its clouds they are misty and gray,

I close my eyes and dare to dream,
of the warmth of a spring like day.

1 comment:

  1. Got enough spring yet? How about that summer? Weather is still weird here.
