My Yesterdays

We all have our own road, our own pathways to follow, pathways that lead us from our past to our present, from our yesterdays into our tomorrows. May every step you take be guided by grace, may all your journeys be amazing adventure and may you never forget your yesterdays. ( Photo by: Sweet Melissa)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Skipping Stone

I skip rocks on the stagnant pond.
Tiny cobble stones in my hand,
they ripple the waters of stillness,
waking tiny fish to surface.
It's murky and dark,reflections of near
trees dance in the wake.
I sit to enjoy the quiet,
the waters are still yet again.

Copyright 2009

Summer in the yard

We climbed the tree in the warmth of the sun,
in little summer dresses with pony tailed hair,
laughing and smiling as we played.

Hanging upside down from the small limbs
that could hardly bare weight.
Leaves tickled our noses, bark burned our feet
as we climb up and down its tiny trunk.
Pecan crusher and piles of shells lay on a picnic
table under a group of trees where grandpa cracks
and bags them for later on pie.

Grand-maw spills the salt that she puts in fresh made ice cream.
We climb down, figs squish between the toes on our bare feet
as we run off in play.

Copyright 2009

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Yesterdays

Where fairies dwell and young lings dance,
where passersby give no second glance,
in the garden of my yesterdays

Where laughter sings and wild dreams grow,
where time stands still to new fallen snow,
in the garden of my yesterdays

Where pathways lead to far off lands,
magical kingdoms and treasure buried deep in sand,
in the garden of my yesterdays

The innocence of childhood so long since passed,
gone to the memories, lost to the dance,
in the garden of my yesterdays.

Oh, how I long for one more day, to play where
song birds sing and long grass sways,
in the garden of my yesterdays.

Copyright 2009

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Alarm

In the dark of night
I could hear it's growl.
I heed the warning,
they sounded the alarm.

A flash of light,then stillness.
Candles burning across the room
as fear trembles inside.

Would daylight come and fade away
the nightmare that draws near, dawn approaches.

A sickness fills my soul
as I sit and wait, cowering
in the flickering light.

The winds outside toss violently around
like banshees in search of their next victim.
I wait,praying with every breath, I wait.

It stops, gone from this place,
I emerge from my safety.
Danger has passed for now.

Copyright 2009

No place like Home

The sun setting on a backdrop of rich purple,
silhouettes of moss hung cypress that seem to dance
with the fading light.Warm breezes blow in from the lake shore..
I can still remember the smell of old ice cream parlors
just off Jackson Square,the richest scents of creole cuisine,
and of course the sweet sounds of Jazz ...

To me there will never be anywhere like home.
Gotta love New Orleans.... missing ya...

Copyright 2009

The Splinter

I was in the garden pulling weeds, my children out playing in the yard with my husband. when my youngest yelled ouch. He had gotten mine and my husbands attention no doubt. As any parent would do, we rushed over to him in worry. We checked where he had pointed to, with tears welling in his eyes he said, I stepped on something. Of course we brought him in and washed the dirt from his bare feet so that we may see what was hurting him. It was a tiny splinter. He had stepped on a bur in the yard and the tiny little thorns had broken off in his foot. We were able to get them out for the most part but he had one left that we were unable to reach so we decided to soak it, medicate it and let the natural courses of our bodies do the work and eventually push it out. It was just a little sliver anyway.The next day I kept a check on the progress and worried of the outcome. Every time my child stepped he fussed about it being there and it bothered me. I was worried about infection and told my husband that I would soak it that night and if it didn't soften enough to come out that I was going to carry him to the doctor to have it checked. That night I did just what I said and soaked it for what seemed to my son, like forever. And there it was, finally! My mind could rest at ease knowing that the splinter was gone. My little mans foot was all better. How could just a little splinter in a child's foot demand so much attention?How could it cause such a fuss?It's because we love them and do not want them to feel pain in anyway and we will do everything to make sure of it. God to ,wants that for us. He wants to make sure that our souls do not suffer so he sent his only Son to die on the cross for our sins so that we may have eternal life. What unconditional love God has for us that he sent Christ to die with nails in his hands, so that he could remove the splinter from our souls....

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10

God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8